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Steps To Apply For Jobs in Canada

steps to apply for jobs in canada
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3. Apply for Social Insurance Number (SIN)

The Social Insurance Number is as important as every other document you need to work in Canada. It is a 9-digit number necessary to earn money, pay taxes, contribute to pension plans, and be eligible for government benefits. Without the Social Insurance Number, you won’t have access to any of these.

4. Ensure your CV and Resume are up-to-date 

As you should know, CV and Resume are two different employment documents. The Resume is just like a summary of your work experiences and skills, while your CV (Curriculum Vitae) is an in-depth and more detailed proof of your qualifications and work experience.

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You won’t want to submit any of these if they are not up-to-date. Ensure you keep it updated regularly, so you don’t miss out on fantastic job offers in the country. Once you do this, you can move on to the next step.

5. Obtain a Letter of Recommendation 

When you are applying for a job in Canada, your employers might ask for recommendation letters from those who can attest to your qualifications, experiences, and skills. In most cases, it is preferred to get your recommendation later from your former employer; this will make the process faster.

6. Apply for Jobs

Once you have completed all the previous steps, the next thing is to apply for any job of your choice in Canada. There are several portals online to find your favorite jobs and apply for them, even when you are not in Canada yet. Some of these portals include;

  • Glassdoor
  • Canada Job Bank
  • Career Builder, etc.
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Wrapping Up

If you follow these steps carefully, applying for a job in Canada will be faster and much easier. So No to frequent and regular disappointments from potential employers. Have all of these ready and see yourself working in Canada soon enough.


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