British Academy Global Innovation Fellowships 2023/2024, UK

British Academy Global Innovation Fellowships
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British Academy Global Innovation Fellowships is now ready for those that will be interested, and everything you need to do to get selected are explained here.

The British Academy, serving as the UK’s national hub for humanities and social sciences, is dedicated to advancing academic excellence and interdisciplinary research. This institution plays a crucial role in advocating for the importance of humanities and social sciences in society. Through various programs and collaborations, the British Academy fosters scholarly innovation, facilitates knowledge exchange, and enriches the cultural and intellectual landscape.

The Global Innovation Fellowship, a groundbreaking initiative by the British Academy in partnership with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, offers a transformative experience. Grantees are privileged to integrate themselves into the Carnegie Endowment, forging a harmonious partnership between fellowship recipients and Carnegie. This collaboration envisions a fusion of fresh perspectives and an expanded network of connections.

Scholarship Details

  • Host University: British Academy
  • Host Country: United Kingdom
  • Study Level: Undergraduate and Masters Level
  • Scholarship Type: Partial Funding
  • Scholarship Worth: £150,000
  • Eligible Countries: International Students
  • Subjects Available: Climate, Geopolitics, Technology, International Affairs, Democracy, Governance
  • Application Deadline: November 1st, 2023


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