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39$/ Hour Work As Marketing Assistant in Canada

Marketing Assistant
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  • Competitive salary.
  • Health, dental, and vision insurance options.
  • Opportunities for professional development and training.
  • Friendly and supportive team environment.


  • Advise clients on advertising or sales promotion strategies.
  • Assist in preparing brochures, reports, newsletters, and other materials.
  • Coordinate special publicity events and promotions.
  • Conduct public opinion and attitude surveys.
  • Develop and organize workshops, meetings, ceremonies, and other events for publicity, fundraising, and information purposes.
  • Develop, implement, and evaluate communication strategies and programs.
  • Gather, research, and prepare communications material.
  • Initiate and maintain contact with the media.
  • Conduct comparative research on marketing strategies for industrial and commercial products.
  • Conduct analytical marketing studies.
  • Develop marketing strategies.
  • Conduct online marketing, E-commerce, and website promotions


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APPLY:   $20/Hour As Industrial Meat Cutter in Canada

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